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Brand Styles - Text Styles - Add Letter Spacing & Line Height#76


Please can we add letter spacing and line height options to the text styles in the Brand Style defaults?

Then we can globally adjust H1 line height at 130%, body copy at 150% etc across an entire page without having to adjust individual sections.

5 months ago
Changed the status to
5 months ago

Another request for this if possible would be to include font sizes here too so you can set default sizes for H1, H2, Body etc.

Attached example is from another page builder which allows you to set global font sizes per device that apply to all pages.

This would save you a lot of time if you wanted to apply your global brand styles across multiple products and LPs as you would only need to define them once.

5 months ago

Would also love to be able to utilise theme sections within instant. And if possibel edit them using instant.

4 months ago

Allow dynamic values to be styled. For example, bold.

3 months ago